Posts Tagged ‘President Barack Obama’

December 1, 2010 · by NovaEconomics · US Manufacturing

The obstacles are real. Urgent assistance is needed. With politicians and leaders who really care about the future of America, we will prevail. There are many examples of what we need to win back small US-based Engineering and High Tech Manufacturing. A visionary leader can make a difference. Party affiliation is not as important as desire and an undying love for America.

What we Need.

  • A President that is able to convince Americans that Tomorrow Will Be Better than Today.
  • Leadership that encourages investments in America, investments in Tomorrow.
  • A Leader who can declare the recession is over, and that this is the New America
  • A Leader who encourages young and old to volunteer.  Giving time is often way more important than giving money.
  • Develop Pride in “Made in USA”.  Make this phrase mean something, not just words that can be trademarked and mean nothing.
  • “Made in USA” means Made with Quality.  Emphasize that Made in USA is accountability.
  • Add “Designing for US Manufacturing” to US college curriculums.
  • Make it a requirement that our US Government needs to buy products and consumables Made in USA
  • Americans to take back the leadership of our Country. Too many Americans rely on others, i.e., politicians, to make decisions relevant to America’s future. Americans need to “step to the plate” and save our Country. Politicians, by the very nature of being a politician, don’t have the necessary skills. We need people with conviction to do what is right.
  • Encourage Venture Capital to Invest in “Made in USA” startup ventures, and that a company that manufactures in the US is a company that you can trust.
November 1, 2010 · by NovaEconomics · US Manufacturing

Remember the 1960’s. We had some brilliant leadership in those days. We had a president who used government funds to stimulate invention and growth in science. The result among other things was the space program, aerospace, computers, internet, science, engineering, innovation and list continues.

Unfortunately, our current leadership took billions of dollars and “flushed it” down the proverbial toilet of banking and financial institutions. No noticeable results. Well except for huge layoffs and high unemployment.

However, our leadership can make a difference by using government funds to fund a project. A project that requires science and engineering. A government funded project that encourages small US-based engineering and manufacturing companies to participate. Perhaps the government will also impose Berry Amendment compliant standards which would keep the funds in US-based engineering companies. Projects could be varied with topics including energy, biofuels, alternative medicine, and the list of possibilities are endless.

Wouldn’t that be a coup for our president. A step of this magnitude would result in US growth in segments that will make a difference.