Posts Tagged ‘Energy’

November 1, 2010 · by NovaEconomics · US Manufacturing

Remember the 1960’s. We had some brilliant leadership in those days. We had a president who used government funds to stimulate invention and growth in science. The result among other things was the space program, aerospace, computers, internet, science, engineering, innovation and list continues.

Unfortunately, our current leadership took billions of dollars and “flushed it” down the proverbial toilet of banking and financial institutions. No noticeable results. Well except for huge layoffs and high unemployment.

However, our leadership can make a difference by using government funds to fund a project. A project that requires science and engineering. A government funded project that encourages small US-based engineering and manufacturing companies to participate. Perhaps the government will also impose Berry Amendment compliant standards which would keep the funds in US-based engineering companies. Projects could be varied with topics including energy, biofuels, alternative medicine, and the list of possibilities are endless.

Wouldn’t that be a coup for our president. A step of this magnitude would result in US growth in segments that will make a difference.