Public Opinion

Since the publication of NovaEconomics we have received lots of comments and support. About 100 emails per week! That says a lot … (a) the public is unified and agree that change is not only needed but without it America could be facing a crisis challenging her very existence; (b) Americans have a lot to say without a venue to say it. While politicians used to represent the people, very few do so today; and (c) change must happen … our present leadership has been proven to be clueless on what to do to lead America. And although NovaEconomics is read by thousands of people every day, and has been presented to all of our current political leaders, virtually none of them have accepted our invitation to visit. They must think everything is perfect the way it is!

Do you want to be heard? Here’s your chance. Simply click here to fill in our submittal form, and we’ll publish your views on this site. Please provide us with correct contact information. Your views are your views and by publishing your views, NovaEconomics does not endorse or represent your views.

Tom Lee, Denver, Colorado; June 28,2011.
Tom Lee is a retired business executive and WWII veteran.

“Entitlement my ass, I paid cash for my social security insurance!!!! Just because they borrowed the money, doesn’t make my benefits some kind of charity or handout!! Congressional benefits, a.k.a. free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that’s welfare, and they have the nerve to call my retirement entitlements!

“Someone please tell me what the HELL’s wrong with all the people that run this country! We’re “broke” & can’t help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless, etc. In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile, and Turkey . And now Pakistan … home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS! Our retired seniors living on a ‘fixed income’ receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$$$’s and Tons of Food to Foreign Countries! They call Social Security and Medicare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives and now when it’s time for us to collect, the government is running out of money. Why did the government borrow from it in the first place? Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave ‘US’ the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn’t it? Our Government is a JOKE…”

4th of July Priority
Posted: July 2, 2011
Cities are cutting back by not hosting Firework displays for the 4th of July … and many cities are also cutting back on providing summer recreational activities. Simple fix … lay off city workers, or at the very least, cut their pay. Why should city workers get paid so much that cities are unable to provide services to the public. What’s the priority?

August – Buy USA Month
Posted: August 6, 2011 by Unknown

Well over 50 yrs ago I knew a lady who would not buy Christmas gifts if they were made in China. Her daughter will recognize her in the following. Did y’all see Diane Sawyer’s special report? They removed ALL items from a typical, middle class family’s home that were not made in the USA.

There was hardly anything left besides the kitchen sink. Literally. During the special they showed truckloads of items – USA made – being brought in to replace everything and talked about how to find these items and the difference in price, etc. It was interesting that Diane said if every American spent just $64 more
than normal on USA made items this year, it would create something like 200,000 new jobs!


Are we Americans as dumb as we appear — or — is it that we just do not think. The Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products, and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets.

70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended. Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? DO IT YOURSELF, AMERICA !! Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says ‘Made in China’ or ‘PRC’ (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example. The point is, do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.

THINK ABOUT THIS: If 200 million Americans each refuse to buy just $20 of Chinese goods, that’s a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favor…fast!!

Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning to implement this on Aug. 1st and continue it until Sept. 1st. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they might have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.

Remember, August 1st to Sept. 1st !!!!!! START NOW. Send this to everybody you know. Let’s show them that we are Americans and NOBODY can take us for granted.

If we can’t live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!

Pass it on, America …..

Well instead of doing it for just 1 month why not try to do it all the time.

Attn Americans: Let’s Reclaim America
Posted: August 9, 2011 by Glenn Lippman
During the past several months, it is becoming more obvious to many Americans that our political system, more specifically politicians, are oblivious to the commercial workings of our Nation. When I refer to commercial workings, I am referring to industry, manufacturing and commercial ventures carried out by non-Government entities. In the past, as Americans we empowered politicians to represent us in Washington. It is becoming more obvious to me that we, American industry, need to usurp our political system and define policy that works for the United States. It used to be that one party represented the interest of the people, and the other party represented the interests of industry, now it appears that neither party “gets” what’s going on in America. We seem to have a president who seems to equate “capitalism” with greed and business as the perpetrators of greed, and prefers to strengthen government to control business. In doing this, our president is making it nearly impossible for American companies to succeed. And without business succeeding, who pays for government spending.

  • To cure unemployment we need jobs.
  • To create jobs we need manufacturing.
  • To strengthen manufacturing we need to make quality things in the United States.

American companies are very capable of making quality products, and I think as Americans we now realize that buying cheap products from China has only resulted in products that break, fail and/or hurt us. To rebuild America, we need to buy products manufactured in America. It is important, as Americans, that you insist that items purchased, whether consumables, manufacturing equipment, supplies, capital equipment, etc., are manufactured in the United States. Make sure manufacturers are aware that you care about the quality, and that you want Made in USA to mean that the product is made better than anywhere else.

Regarding cost. Quality costs more than junk. For now, until Washington figures it out, buying American, i.e., buying quality, will cost more. If and when Washington catches on, cost controls of foreign made raw materials will go a long way to reduce cost of American made quality products. However Made in USA costs will never match Made in China for several reasons. Primary among these reasons is the fact that there are no Americans willing to work for less than minimum wage; and products made in America must always be scrutinized as a quality product. No American will accept nor should they accept American manufactured junk!

American Heroes. My concept of an American Hero is an American company led by a true American that will purchase American manufactured equipment over Chinese manufactured equipment because the American product is quality, and that the American company is looking to the future, and because of that interest desires to be most competitive in the future by buying quality products today. In other words, an American Hero positions his business for growth by buying quality products made in the USA. If it is not easy to find a solution made in the USA, the American Hero will work with American industry to find a solution. I salute the American Hero. Let’s encourage more Americans to become heroes.

Let’s make NOW the time we Americans reclaim America.