Wake Up America!

Before we discuss the problem, let’s first discuss the segment and the value of this segment to Americans and the...

The obstacles are real. Urgent assistance is needed. With politicians and leaders who really care about the future of America,...

Just telling people that it is important to buy products made in the USA should be good enough, but it’s...

Years ago, before the recession, salaries kept increasing.  Colleges would promise graduates larger and larger salaries.  Government employees received less...

Why force managerial staff of a small manufacturer to serve when serving could and most often will hurt or potentially...

Our Senior Citizen population includes some of our Country’s best resources. When these people retire and leave the workforce, we...

America’s business sector is based on the entrepreneur. High tech engineering/manufacturing companies form the basis of innovation for tomorrow’s technologies....

How often have you heard … if you need production funding, go to a bank? Well, banks and entrepreneurs just...

Remember the 1960’s. We had some brilliant leadership in those days. We had a president who used government funds to...